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3D and X-Ray Testing

In-house X-ray

The in-house X-ray equipment is used to inspect devices that are difficult to examine using the vision system. An X-ray is able to identify product defects early in the manufacturing process by analysing factors such as internal traces, solder connections and barrels.

Many of the issues that X-ray testing flags up are hidden from the naked eye, and each of these tests are undertaken by our comprehensively trained professionals, who are able to spot even the smallest of imperfections.

3D Testing

As well as offering 2D automatic X-ray inspection (AXI), Active-PCB delivers X-PlaneĀ® Analysis 3D-imaging capability via a Nordson-Dage XD7600NT system.

This cutting-edge equipment helps develop perfect processes by identifying issues and designing out their causes long before the project is finalised for production.

The Nordson-Dage system is top of the range for performance and provides excellent magnification, allowing for even closer inspection of products without having to cut the board.

Contact us so we can better understand you

Every customer has their own needs, their own standards to adhere to and their own projects with unique specifications. Active-PCB is a partner in finding the right solution first time. Ask us a question, request information or enquire whichever way best suits you.

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